Testing of dishwashers for
efficiency: all models have to
cope with an identically dirtied
set of tableware and flatware.
EC standard EN 50242 specifies
this dirtying procedure: exact
quantities of (standardized)
spinach, ground meat, egg yolk,
porridge, (standardized) tea,
milk, and fat are applied to each
item in a defined way and dried
at 80°C for 2 hours.


>> Certainly, this was by far
the most bizarre shooting of the
whole story. A droll example of
German thoroughness, too:
each and every little detail of
the dirtiying process is regulated
by that EC standard: the brands
of the food and the china used,
the amount of spinach to remain
in the brush, the mesh width of
the tea-strainer, the total of
Of course, it was not modelled
on some Belgian or Italian
standard, but a German one.