On a huge band-saw designed
for meat-processing plants,
anatomist Gunther von Hagens
cuts the frozen corpse of a man
into slices of 3.5 mm for slice
plastination. For easy positioning
of body and limbs, the corpse
has been embedded in PU foam.
Blood from the liver stains the
yellow foam.


>> ‘Ugh, go away, you stink of
corpse, all of you!’ writer
Andreas Weber exclaimed with
disgust as I walked up to him.
He had watched this scene from
some distance. Wisely, as it
was easily the most repulsive
moment of our assignment:
blood and tiny bits of flesh flew
about and a ghastly stench of
slaughtered meat filled the air.
What finally pushed me to the
limit and almost had me throw
up was a red smear of blood I
detected on my hand after
moving a strobe, and the fact
that it was not MY blood!